
Residential Programs
Carobell operates six Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) for Intellectually Developmental Disabilities (IDD), located in Hubert, North Carolina. These homes serve intellectually developmentally disabled children and adults. Our dedicated nursing and direct-care staff work on a 24 hour basis. Please keep in mind that to be considered for admission to Carobell, an individual must be diagnosed as severe or profound intellectually developmentally disabled.

Community Programs
In our Community-based Pre-Vocational Day Support Programs, individuals receive life skills, socialization, and wellness training in additional to specialized pre-vocational skills training. Individuals are given opportunities to participate in a variety of skills development and are encouraged to work to their fullest potential. Individuals may qualify for either the Adult Developmental Vocational Program (ADVP) or NC Innovations Waiver Program.

School Break
Carobell has over forty-six years of experience working with developmentally disabled and physically challenged individuals. Our “School’s Out!” and Summer Camp Enrichment programs provide a structured yet fun learning environment. These programs are designed to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilties starting at age 5 to adult. Individuals will be provided with opportunities to participate in a variety of activities; both indoor and outdoor, as well as field trips.

Training Classes
Training is an essential factor at Carobell, Inc. We offer a wide variety of training classes that are open to the community.